

Desde el primer día que comencé a viajar a Irán el 2008 tuve un contacto directo con el chiismo. Es innegable que conforma un imaginario riquísimo y aunque a priori parece muy lejano y extraño, a poco que se conozca se comienzan a ver características que no son tan diferentes si observamos y conocemos la Shi’a en profundidad, especialmente para un andaluz como yo que conoce de cerca los rituales católicos. Estos trabajos son aproximaciones diferentes en forma de serie fotográfica que pretenden conformar en el futuro algo que me gustaría poder llamar proyecto o suite. I have had the chance to get to know it from the inside and document five years of the Ashura rituals, a course at the University of Qom where future Shiite clerics study, the pilgrimage to Karbala (Iraq) during Arbaeen and other different aspects of this branch of Islam .

From the first day I started traveling to Iran in 2008, I had direct contact with Shi’ism. It is undeniable that it forms a very rich imaginary and although a priori seems to be very distant and strange for us, as soon as it is known, we begin to see characteristics that are not so different if we observe and know the Shi’a in depth, especially for an Andalusian like me who knows Catholic rituals up close. These works are different approaches in the form of photographic series that aim to form something in the future such as a project or a suite. I have had the opportunity to know Shi’a from deep inside and document five years of Ashura, a course at the University of Qom where future Shiite clerics study, the pilgrimage to Kerbala (Iraq) during Arbaeen and different aspects of this branch of Islam.