Esta peregrinación ha experimentado un renacimiento en los últimos años tras la caída de Saddam Hussein, que prohibió a los chiíes iraquíes hacer el camino a Karbala.
Arbaeen means forty in Arabic and it is a Shiite religious observance that occurs forty days of mourning after the day of Ashura and is as important as this. The Arbaeen pilgrimage is one of the world’s most important annual gatherings in one place. During that day, which coincides with the 20 of the month of Safar (second month of the year of the Muslim calendar), a crowd dressed in black that has begun their pilgrimage to the Iraqi holy city of Karbala (Iraq) invades the streets towards the mausoleum of the Imam Hussein for several days. There are around 25 million faithful who come from different countries and cities, although the most important is undoubtedly Najaf (80 km south of Karbala).
This pilgrimage has seen a revival in recent years following the fall of Saddam Hussein, who prohibited Iraqi Shiites from making the way to Karbala.
Noticias relacionadas con ARBAEEN: OH HUSSEIN, HERE WE ARE
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